Aug 4, 2009

Midnight - female sim

Recomended custom content (not included) /
Doporučený uživatelský obsah (vyžaduje samostatnou instalaci):
Kůže / skin - 234jiao
Oči / eyes - JillianWong
Vlasy / hair - aldehydebends (iCON)
Každodenní šaty / everyday dress - Cemre
Vzor (č. 1) / pattern (no. 1) - M.Calero
Punčochy (č. 4)/ hosiery (no. 4) - Liana
Boty / shoes - iCON
Slavnostní šaty / formal dress - iCON

Klikni na obrázek pro zvětšení. / Click to enlarge.

Download - Exchange / Výměna


Anonymous said...

Hi is there anyway you can upload an extra version of this without any cc? i'd appreciate it alot!, if you do please email me at Thank you.

Loverdag said...

Only included CC are shoes.
You can
- install sim
- uninstal shoes
- and run the game.